If you have a virtual or a dedicated server, you'll have to do more things to keep it in shape compared to a shared website hosting account. The reason is that the shared web servers are managed by the host company, while with a standalone server you shall be the only one in charge. Some examples of the tasks you'll have to do are installing server-side programs and keeping them up-to-date, keeping track of the web server and restarting it if required, etc. If you don't have time for this type of tasks, nevertheless, or if you have never had a server of your own and you feel unclear about what exactly you must do, you may use our optional management services. When you do this, our system administrators will take care of all of these additional tasks for you, so you shall be to concentrate on your websites and to promote them, as a way to get more visitors and potential customers without spending time and efforts on particulars.
Administration Services in Dedicated Servers
The additional services are available to all our customers at any time, whatever the particular dedicated server plan, so when you get a hosting server from us, our system admins shall help you with a lot of things. In the first place, they will make perfectly sure that the software environment on the hosting server is always secure, as they will update the Operating System on a weekly basis. They will also take care of your content and will keep a backup on an independent server and if anything bad happens, your files and databases will be restored easily. With the supervising and rebooting service, our administrator staff will keep an eye on the server all of the time and will react promptly if any issue appears. Moreover, they could also carry out any custom tasks on the hosting server that you might need, for as long as you might require them. Depending on the time you can spend on the server and on your practical knowledge, you could get these services individually, or you can get them together as part of one package.