InnoDB is a MySQL database engine, which has been gaining popularity in recent years, as it provides a much better overall performance and an improved database crash recovery compared to the default engine used by the MySQL RDBMS – MyISAM. InnoDB is used by a lot of devs that create scalable web applications, due to the fact that it works much more efficiently with immense volumes of data, while it keeps the server load at a minimum. What’s more, it uses row-level locking in case any info should be updated, while lots of other engines lock the entire table and therefore need much more time to fulfill several successive tasks. Last, but not least, InnoDB follows the "all-or-nothing" rule – in case the entire data modification process cannot be completed successfully for some reason, the action is rolled back to prevent confusion or the loss of data. Magento and the latest releases of Joomla are two instances of widespread PHP-powered software apps which have moved to InnoDB.
InnoDB in Cloud Hosting
Every PHP script-based web app that requires InnoDB will function flawlessly on our cutting-edge cloud website hosting platform and the MySQL database storage engine is offered with all our cloud hosting packages. Each time you create a database manually or our app installer creates one automatically and an app installation is initiated, the engine that the database will make use of will be selected based on the app’s prerequisites without the need to change any setting in your hosting account. InnoDB will be selected automatically for any app that requires this specific engine and you’ll be able to make the most of its full potential. We’ll perform daily content backups, so if you unintentionally delete a MySQL database that you need or you overwrite a certain part of it, we will be able to restore your database the way it was only a couple of hours earlier.
InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Servers
You can run a PHP script-powered application that needs InnoDB with all of our semi-dedicated server plans, because all the accounts are created on our cutting-edge cloud platform where the MySQL storage engine is installed. A new database can be set up in two different ways – manually from the Database Manager section of the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, or automatically – in case you make use of our 1-click application installer tool. In either case, the needed engine will be chosen automatically once the activation of the app starts, so you will not have to modify anything manually, no matter if the app needs InnoDB or the more commonly used MyISAM. Furthermore, we’ll always be able to restore any of your MySQL databases in case you unintentionally erase one, as we make a few MySQL database backups every day, each of which is saved for 1 whole week.
InnoDB in Dedicated Servers
InnoDB is available by default with all dedicated web hosting plans ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel. It is part of the software bundle that will be pre-installed on all Hepsia-managed servers, so as soon as your physical machine is set up, you will be able to log in and to install any script-based software application that requires this database storage engine. If you create a new database via the Control Panel, there won’t be any active engine till you begin installing an application. Once the app configuration wizard starts dumping data in the newly created database, the engine will be set automatically in accordance with the requirements of the specific app, so you can use both MyISAM and InnoDB without having to select either one of them explicitly at any point. Therefore, you can use a large range of apps for your websites.