UPSs and diesel generators are 2 backup systems which are kept by web hosting providers in their data centers in the event that there are interruptions in the primary power source or the current is shaky and unable to support the proper functioning of the servers situated in the facility. UPS refers to Uninterruptible Power Supply or Uninterruptible Power Source and it's an effective battery that works non-stop. It's connected to both the electrical power network and the web servers constantly, so if the power stops, the UPS is already functioning, which helps prevent the machines from going down even for a second. The diesel generator is an engine which can provide the necessary electric power to keep the web servers functioning for a longer period of time. In the case of an outage, the UPS gives the needed time for the diesel generator to start and then to take over until the primary source is restored.
UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Cloud Hosting
The 99.9% network and server uptime guarantee that we offer is, partly, a result of the electric power backup setup which we have in every of the 3 data centers where we offer cloud hosting plans - in Chicago (USA), in Coventry (UK), and in Sydney (Australia). If you purchase a new account to develop or move your Internet sites, it shall be set up on an innovative cloud platform which consists of many clusters controlling your content. Every server inside the selected cluster features its own effective enterprise-class UPS to keep it operational no matter what, until several power generators boot up and provide the necessary power for the entire facility to be operational for a lot of hours. You'll not notice anything even in case there is an outage, due to the fact that our backup units will be able to power all the devices and we shall not have to reduce the quantity of working servers or the network equipment which manages the traffic to your Internet sites.
UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers
We provide semi-dedicated server accounts within our data center in downtown Chicago and amongst the reasons behind our 99.9% uptime warranty is the superb backup setup that the facility offers. Your new account will be set up on our top-notch hosting platform and each one of the servers which are part of it features its own potent UPS unit which will ensure that it stays 100% operational at top capacity until a number of diesel generators take over. The latter will keep the entire data center functioning for a long period of time, without any limitations on the quantity or the type of devices which can work, so you'll not notice any difference in the functionality or the loading speed of any site you host there. With our semi-dedicated web servers, you shall have the opportunity to use a top-quality web hosting service with no disruptions of any type.