Varnish is a content caching platform, which is occasionally called an HTTP reverse proxy. It is a website accelerator tool that can boost the speed of a website by up to 1000%, depending on the content itself. Anytime a visitor accesses any page on a website that uses Varnish, the platform caches the page and delivers it instead of the web server when the visitor opens it again. In this way, the web browser request from the visitor is not handled by the web server and the page will load significantly faster, since Varnish can deliver content many times faster than any web server software. The result is a much faster loading page, which means an improved browsing experience. When any of the cached pages is updated on the actual site, the information that Varnish saves in its system memory is ‘refreshed’ too, so the site visitors won’t end up seeing out-of-date information.
Varnish in Cloud Hosting
You can unlock Varnish’s full potential and increase your sites’ speed irrespective of the cloud hosting package that you’ve picked and you can add and configure the platform with several clicks using the easy-to-work-with GUI offered by our advanced Hepsia Control Panel. During the procedure, you’ll be able to choose two different things – how many websites will use the Varnish caching platform, in other words – the number of instances, and how much info will be cached, in other words – the amount of memory. The latter comes in increments of 32 MB and is not bound to the number of instances, so you can order more instances and less memory and vice versa. In case you have lots of content on a specific site and you receive numerous visitors, more system memory will give you a better result. You may also consider employing a dedicated IP address for the sites that will use the Varnish caching platform. Hepsia will provide you with simple one-click buttons for stopping or restarting any instance, for clearing the cache for any Internet site and for seeing elaborate logs.
Varnish in Semi-dedicated Servers
Varnish is offered as standard with all semi-dedicated hosting plans that we offer and you can use it for workload balancing purposes. It’s available in your Hepsia Control Panel. The Varnish content caching platform comes with 64 megabytes of system memory for cached content storing purposes and you can employ it with any site that you host in your account. If you are in need of more than that, you can increase the memory quota. The memory itself is available in increments of 32 MB in the Upgrades section of the Control Panel. The very same Upgrades section will permit you to activate more instances too, in case you would like to use the Varnish caching platform with more websites. The two upgrades can be ordered independently – you can cache the content of one large-scale website or run a number of websites with the default memory quota. You can take full advantage of the Varnish platform if you’ve got a dedicated IP and you can get one with your semi-dedicated server plan as well. Hepsia will give you total control over the platform and, with no more than one single mouse click, you will be able to clear the cached contents, to view a system log file or to restart an instance.
Varnish in Dedicated Servers
If you want a powerful website hosting solution and you order any of the dedicated web hosting plans that we’re offering, you’ll be able to use the Varnish caching platform to boost the work of your websites at no additional fee as long as the dedicated server is ordered with our leading-edge Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Its easy-to-navigate graphical interface will enable you to keep an eye on system processes, to clear the cached files or to restart any instance with one mouse click. The smallest amount of memory that the platform can employ to cache Internet site content is three gigabytes, which is quite enough for an enormous collection of resource-requiring sites, so your server will be able to deal with a huge system load while your Internet site visitors are enjoying a smooth web browsing experience. As your server will come with a number of dedicated IPs, you’ll be able to use Varnish’s maximum capacity.